Guerra Civil (1981)
Fim do Mundo (1983)
Em Caso de Acidente... Quebre Este Disco!
Gloomland - 1994 reedited in 2011
Farawayers (1996)
Em Caso de Acidente... Quebre Este Disco
                          (re-released in 2000)
Technolorgy (2002)
Pega Varetas (Meu Pau de Sebo) (2003)
                          Pode Ser Vendido Separadamente (2007)
Ainda (2012) Ninguem Pediu
                        (2014) agoramudoucapap70 Trimbucomorfosaedro - 2019
Até Onde Foi
                        Possível - 2022
ACIDENTE, is the Brazilian
              Independent Rock Band with 16 releases (1978 / 2020)
Quebre Este
                                Disco Farawayers - 1996

Songs/Slideshows   -   Reedition Text   -   Credits   -   Booklet   -  Playlist

GLOOMLAND 1994 (Reedited in 2011)
                              Ezzaet - guitarra
Mario Costa - drums
Jarbas Loop - baixo
                              Malaria - teclados
Gloomland (1994) Re-release with bonus
                tracks (2011)GLOOMLAND is ACIDENTE's fifth release, the first one in CD format of that indie Brazilian band , which means PROGRESSIVE HARD ROCK style, full of creative arrangements and songs with astonishing moments.

It is basically
an instrumental record, with only 4 out of its 17 songs having lyrics (*). A record to be heard with headphones, at late night, as loud as possible.

Although I wasn't playing anymore with them, I did the graphic stuff on a Mala's good idea for the sleeve, which was a 're-interpretation' of Brazilian flag (with a barbed wired fence, a wall of cemetery crosses, a ball on fire with 4 bullets holes).

According producer Paulo Malária "In mid 1992 the band entered a new studio to record their first CD. In the beginning the changing seemed hard to take, but after some time the sessions began to flow easily, alternating recordings, reherseals and meetings for new compositions. The final result shows a variety of new tendencies and subtle sonorities, with wide use of overdubs, unaccessible so far. Using a mixed digital-analog system, the band could remarkably expand their musicianship; but, because only 500 units were pressed, this is probably ACIDENTE's least known work.

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Site by: Helio Jenné
© 1997 / 2022

2011 CD Reedition Text

The name Acidente refers to two different bands, existing in sequencial times, having one little to do to the other. Firts Acidente was founded in 1978 by journalism students in Rio de Janeiro. This band played basic rock'n'roll, drifting from it to blues and samelikes. First they gained their space in Rio indie scene; however, just by the time Acidente had recorded their first independent album, in 1981, the major labels detected a pop rock empty niche in Brazil's market, which had been left unexplored for some years, and decided to occupy it with their "products". As a result, Acidente and many other indie bands were heavily torpedoed untill them all languished and perished, facing all sort of boycott in the media and complete ban from airplay - a mean deinvention of thousands of pioneers, so that half dozens cronies, minions of the big companies, could grab all the audience and profit. When this first Acidente incarnation finally ended up, in 1987, they had left 3 records, 31 tracks and no hit at all.

Acidente 1993 - Mala,
                            Zunga, Mario, JarbasAcidente 1993 - Mala, Zunga, Mario, JarbasIt took two more years until sole survivor Paulo Malaria, producer and keyboardist, managed to create a new band, this time intended to play mostly instrumental music, prog-rock oriented. When this finally happened, the new group was named upon the former, allegedly due to a lack of available names. They recorded the LP "Quebre Este Disco", released late 1989, but that would only be launched as a CD in 2000, after two more records had seen the light: this one, "Gloomland", plus "Farawayers".

In mid-1992 the band, with a new drummer and the same other three players, entered a new studio to record their first CD, finally entering the digital era. In the beginning this upgrade seemed hard to deal with, but, after some time, the sessions began to flow easily, alternating recordings, rehearsals and meetings for new compositions. The final achievement shows a variety of new tendencies and subtle sonorities, with wide use of overdubs, unaccessible so far. Using a mixed digital-analogue system, the band could remarkably develop their musicianship; but because only 500 units were pressed, this is ACIDENTE's least known work.

"Gloomland" was, thus, the second album of the second Acidente - and, in many aspects, the first to appear in CD format, to bear the label "Stolen Records" and, still, to provide Acidente with the chance of a digital environment which enabled the band to expand their musical limits over the former 8-channel limits.

Under such conditions - unlike what had previously happened, when all compositions were brought ready to the rehearsals - this time part of the themes were written and/or merged during the sessions, including the title track. This is basically an instrumental record, where only 4 out of 17 themes have lyrics, plus the bonus-track, which features the same lineup plus a special guest, and wasn't included originally for having been recorded months after the release. "Gloomland" was well acknowleged by progressive fans (the few ones who succeeded to get a copy) and received favourable critics from specialized press. Even though, Malaria kept refusing to tag their music progressive rock, stating that this honour should be granted by listeners, instead, he'd call it humbly "hard muzak", although there's an obvious contrasense in it.

From "Gloomland" on, Acidente embarked on an increasing search for more elaborated sounds that would lead them to '996 "Farawayers" and, in 2002, their masterpiece "Technolorgy", after which the band retraced back to an old simple pop rock, resulting in their latest modest and lesser known works. "Gloomland" remains a landmark in Acidente's history, almost unavailable so far, since its first issue sold out soon after released.

Songs + Slideshows

1. Gloomland (4'10) - Paulo Malária - Zunga Ezzaet
2. Lucidez (Lucidity) (5'21) - Jarbas Loop
3. Part One (3'03) - Zunga Ezzaet - Mario Costa
4. Tudo Errado (") (3'36) - Paulo Malária (Lyrics)
5. Praia Deserta (2'32) - Paulo Malária
6. Viajante Solitário (5'17) - Zunga Ezzaet
7. Ventos Uivantes  (3'22) - Paulo Malária - Jarbas Loop
8. Referências (*) (3'31) - Paulo Malária (Lyrics)
9. Findas Montanhas  (3'21) - Zunga Ezzaet
10. Formiga Mordeu Tua Bunda  (3'17) - Paulo Malária
11. Blues da Cerveja  (2'09) - Zunga Ezzaet
12. Toque de Recolher (*) (4'09) - Paulo Malária (Lyrics)
13. Alhures  (5'00) - Paulo Malária
14. Backup (2'16) - Jarbas Loop
15. Next Time (3'18) - Paulo Malária - Zunga Ezzaet - Mario Costa - Jarbas Loop
16. Chá com Cão (*) (1'42) - Paulo Malária (Lyrics)
17. Excentrix (1'42) - Paulo Malária
18. Fim do Mundo (bonus track) 3'15 - Paulo Malária (Lyrics)

          Total time: 60'13''

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Gloomland - photo by Paulo


                  PadilhaSound Engeneer: PAULINHO PADILHA (photo)

Assistant Recording Engeneer:
Design: HELIO JENNÉ (after a Mala's idea)


806 Digital Studios Logo

Released September 1994
Unique edition of 500 units.

ACIDENTE ® PAULO MALARIA ® & STOLEN RECORDS ® registered trademarks.

All rights reserved by the producer of this record. Void any reproductions etc.
ACIDENTE ® has no representatives ou licenced agents and now ACIDENTE doesn't play live anymore.

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Reedition Booklet

Pages 16-1
                                                  leaflet pgs 16-1

Pages 2-3
                                                  Brochure pgs 2-3

Pages 4-5

Gloomland leaflet
                                                  pgs 4-5

Pages 6-7
Gloomlanf leaflet pgs 6-7

Pages 8-9
Gloomland leaflet pgs 8-9

Pages 10-11
Gloomland leaflet pgs 10-11

Pages 12-13
Gloomland leaflet pgs12-13

Pages 14-15
Gloomland leaflet pgs 14-15

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To hear, click on the song name
(it will open a new window)
to download, click on the arrow at the right.

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(4'10) Paulo Malária - Zunga Ezzaet

BR-PIZ-93-00001 / 64996980


Lucidez (Lucidity)
Jarbas Loop (5'21)

BR-PIZ-93-00002 /


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Part One
Zunga Ezzaet - Mario Costa (3'03)

BR-PIZ-93-00004 / 64997014


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Tudo Errado (Everything Wrong)
Paulo Malária (2'32)

BR-PIZ-93-00004 / 64997057

Quando você põe os pés fora de casa
Tudo de errado pode acontecer
Bombas, inflação, miséria, fome, assalto, esmola
De que adianta fingir que não vê?

Quando você põe os pés fora de casa
Pode não chegar a dar um passo a mais
Nem na sua cama você está seguro
Você é um malandro otário
E ninguém precisa lhe explicar porque

Sonha em ganham muitos milhões na loteria
Ir morar na Europa e só voltar pro carnaval
Todos que tentaram não lhe servem de exemplo
Pois você é muito mais esperto e mais legal

Reconhece até que tudo anda tão errado
Mas pra que falar se não se pode resolver?
Pensa que o que os outros não tiveram
Vai sobrar pra você

Por isso quando você põe os pés fora de casa
Tudo de errado pode acontecer

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Praia Deserta (Desert Beach)
Paulo Malária (2'32)
BR-PIZ-93-00005 / 64997022


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Viajante Solitário (Lone Traveller)
Zunga Ezzaet
BR-PIZ-93-00006 / 64997073


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Ventos Uivantes (Howling Winds)
Paulo Malária - Jarbas Loop (3'22)
BR-PIZ-93-00007 / 64997065


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Referências (References) *
Paulo Malária (3'31)
BR-PIZ-93-00008 / 64997030

A minha história começa
Aonde a do mundo acabou
Eu fui cicuteiro na Grécia
Faquir, samurai, rei nagô

Tudo o que hoje se diz
Eu ja dizia, mas
Não podia falar
Pra não embolar o sucesso de outros
Que a máquina ainda iria lançar

Lembra um dia em que todos saíram
Só você precisava ficar
Nesse dia passou o cometa
Que você passou a vida a esperar

'E a sua imagem ficou distante'
Feito um antigo festival
Ninguém se lembra o que veio antes
Quem paga leva
E 'não leve a mal'

Noites em claro
Dias cinzentos
Tempo que passa
Filme de horror
Eu tento acreditar num bom futuro
Mas no fim eu sei que nada
Nada vai mudar

(*) Quotations from Gloomlander early rock songs (Click to know more!)

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Findas Montanhas (Gone Mountains)
Zunga Ezzaet
BR-PIZ-93-00009 / 64996964


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Formiga Mordeu Tua Bunda (Enter the Party)
Paulo Malária (3'17)
BR-PIZ-93-000070 / 64996972


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Blues da Cerveja (Beer Blues)
Zunga Ezzaet (2'09)
BR-PIZ-93-00011 / 64996930


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Toque de Recolher (Curfew)
Paulo Malária (4'09)
BR-PIZ-93-00012 / 64997049


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Alhures (Elsewhere)
Paulo Malária (5'00)
BR-PIZ-93-00013 / 64996913


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Jarbas Loop (2'16
BR-PIZ-93-00013 / 64996921


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Next Time 26893
Paulo Malária / Zunga Ezzaet /
Mario Costa / Jarbas Loop
BR-PIZ-93-00015 / 64997006


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Chá Com Cão (Tea With Dog)
Paulo Malária 1'48)
BR-PIZ-93-00016 / 64996948

Todo dia você sai de casa sorrindo
Dizendo 'hoje eu vou me dar bem'
Mas as pessoas não querem lhe ouvir
E você prefere ficar sem ninguém

Outra vez você esquece as coisas erradas
E tenta se ligar no seu som
Mas essas pessoas estão sempre por perto
E nada parece tão bom

Eu não quero mais
Essa gente normal ao meu lado
Eu não quero mais
Essa vida normal pela frente

E ainda uma vez você ensaia um sorriso
Mas não pode fingir que é real
Todo o seu passado continua presente
Pra lembrar que tudo sempre vai mal

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Paulo Malária 4'14)
BR-PIZ-93-00017 / 64996956

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Fim do Mundo (Bonus Track)

Paulo Malária
BR-PIZ-94-00001 / 65455070

Quando a natureza é assassinada
E as coisas belas somem pela ação do homem
Nada mais é eterno ou feito pra durar
Só podemos imaginar
Que o mundo vai se acabar
O mundo vai se acabar
O mundo vai se acabar
Agora, a qualquer instante
Ante os nossos olhos
Justo em nosso tempo de vida
E ninguém faz nada
A humanidade já se sente comprometida
As bombas têm função de propagar o medo
A água é imunda e o ar azedo
Seis bilhões de macacos a se multiplicar
Só podemos imaginar
Que o mundo vai se acabar
O mundo vai se acabar
O mundo vai se acabar

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